The Ideal Learner for Babbel?

Portrait von Carsten Otto - ein lachender Mann mit grauem, lockigem Haar und drei Tage Bart vor einem blauen Himmel mit Wolken.
Photo of Carsten for school enrollment 1984 - a blond boy with school bag and sugar cone

The “unhindered”, institutionalized learning begins…

  • 1984 in GDR
  • 13 school years in dif­fer­ent school sys­tems await him
  • 1997 he will grad­u­ate from high school

in 2009…

  • 11 years ago he lost more than 97 per­cent of his vision and became legal­ly blind
  • he now learns with assis­stive tech­nolo­gies and per­son­al assistance
  • in one year he will very suc­cess­ful­ly grad­u­ate with a diplo­ma in busi­ness law
Photo Carsten 2009 - Carsten sits with his study assistant in a kitchen. The study assistant is sitting in front of a computer and is sorting paper documents.
Portrait of Carsten Otto - a laughing man with gray curly hair and three days beard in front of a blue sky with clouds.


  • busi­ness lawyer
  • sys­temic orga­ni­za­tion­al consultant
  • psy­chodrama­tist
  • con­flict resolver
  • in train­ing as a therapist

Learning Needs.

  • acces­si­ble environment
  • use of assis­tive tools like Screen Read­er, Mag­nifiy­er and Doc­u­ment Reader
  • dif­fer­ent medi­ums and chan­nels of communication
  • Trust in the open­ness and aware­ness of the social environment
Picture - a document with the heading "Certificate", on top of which is a tablet with headphones connected. On the screen is the user interface of a document reader. Next to it are magnifying glasses.

Are Carsten’s learn­ing needs those of an ide­al learn­er or the more spe­cif­ic needs of a dis­abled learner?